Saturday, April 07, 2007

&we had magic dust in our hair

Jeph, Jiahui, Ipoh, Me, Sham, Chaisy, Beaver and Ratina!
OKAYYY, so some of the pictures look weird. Our mouths look weird because as the photo person was snapping away, we were yelling stupid things at the camera, like "A DOOR WAS OPENED", "MAGIC", "JEREMIAH", and some other stuff. Oh, and I recall a conversation between Farhana and Yvonne:

FARHANA: Let's say Hoopoe next!

Rics, Jovel, Sham, Melli, Jackie, Me, Lizzie, Cassi and Nat Yeo

The MUSICIANS-- Rics, Nat Sim, Jovel, Nat Yeo, Chaisy and Jeph.

Joy,Lizzie, Ipoh (with her HERSHEY'S bar!), Sham, Me, Jiahui and Chaisy<333

Lizzie, Jeph, Rics, Sham, Me(:

Our Drama shirt, designed by Farhana <333

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